Here below are some examples of the content that was produced for this product launch. Great creatives participated in making this product look and feel unlike any other, namely: Marlon Bos, Piet-Harm Sterk, Joost van der Neut, Valentina Marinelic, Coen van Tartwijk. From documentary shoots, to product shots to portraits, to unboxing videos, to creative installations, we did it all.
Full Circle
Creative Direction / Content Production
In October 2020, The Ocean Cleanup launched the world’s first product made with certified plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. But this was much more than a product launch, it was a demonstration of what can be done, how plastic can be used in a responsible manner. This product resulted from the hard work and perseverance of so many people and while I participated in the effort on many levels, my most important contribution was to direct the content development from start to finish.